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Spirituality in Practice

Finding Ease and Elevating Consciousness Day to Day






An On-line Program- January through October 2025


For those committed to transforming themselves and the world we live in. It takes courage to do this work. We'll be covering the tools required and support each other to see past societal expectations and ego-driven goals. The program will involve group meetings twice a month, one private 30 minute session a month with Melanie, and a workbook for daily practices. We'll be incorporating teachings from A Course in Miracles, The Sedona Method, Body-Oriented Psychotherapy and of course, Play!


Brief Outline

-Ways in which the ego goes to war with self and spirit

-The power of kindness and tenderness (starting with self)

-If I’m not that, what am I?- Exploring the truth of love, doing and being beyond the programming and getting less interested in self and upsets

-The Body as An Ally- exploring the wisdom of the body and how it can support boundaries, health, achieving goals and more

-Play and Joy as vehicles to authenticity

-Exploring life lessons- are you learning what you came to learn? And how do you offer your gifts to the world?

-Engaging the skill of presence

-Exploring your spiritual 'comfort zone'

-Relationships as a spiritual path

-Staying Open


Testimonials from participants:

This course is perfect for those ready to really make a meaningful change in their lives. The regular touch-ins to the work and releases help create new habits of integrating the tools into everyday life. Sharing with others and, of course, Melanie’s insights and guidance help make the content relevant and relatable. This experience has been an important component of my growth through a pivotal and especially challenging time in my life. I plan to repeat the course and know it will be just as impactful as the first time. Anna

I nearly didn’t sign up for this course because I figured personal sessions would be more impactful and useful. I had never done any group work before and was a bit nervous. Now, I’m so glad I did this course. It was validating and enlightening to hear other people talk about their journeys and to learn together. Other participants voiced ideas and experiences that helped me understand myself. I felt connected to the group in ways I didn’t expect. Working through these concepts together has changed how I see the world and those around me. And, I find myself being softer with myself and others. Becca

One of the things I liked most was that you explored issues like roles, reactivity, and play that were and are very relevant and I would not likely have brought them up in private sessions without the course’s instigation.  If I would have chosen simply the private session route I most likely would have been focused on the same things I’m usually focused on - and as useful as that can be - I was looking forward to some new approaches.  Stephanie


Program Details: Group meetings are scheduled for Tuesday evenings (1st and 3rd of the month) January through October 2025. Group meetings will be recorded and shared with participants. Individual sessions will be scheduled directly with Melanie. Investment $197/month.


If you have not previously worked with Melanie, please call for a free consult before registering. 303-762-8994

Group is Full! Registration Closed. Please let me know of your interest as additional groups may be added.



Letting Go into a Course in Miracles- Moving from Dysfunctional to Functional Relationships

As soon as we start engaging with others, there is an opportunity for drama. One of the most important skills (never taught to most of us) is how to interact with others without losing ourselves. Exploring lessons from ACIM (including the concept of "special relationships", Sedona Method Releasing, and Body-Oriented Psychotherapy to find healthy relating.


Topics:     Free yourself of habitual patterns of relating

              Learn how to let go of resentment (towards self and others)

              Discover and have what you really want in relationships

              Learn what you can expect from others

              Understand the role of boundaries in relationship


​Watch for upcoming dates and/or email to express interest. If you have a group of interested friends or co-workers, we will happily create a course for you.

Letting Go into a Course in Miracles-  Review of the Basics

In our time together, we will study basic concepts from the Course and use Sedona Method Releasing* to let go of the blocks to being our best selves. If you’ve studied ACIM and have had difficulty living the principles, you will be (as I was) excited to learn these easy techniques that create a beautiful bridge from where you are now to where you’d like to be. Topics covered will include:

· The ego and separation

· The way we see

· I’m not the body (then what?)

· Forgiveness and Guilt

· Obstacles to Peace

· A New Beginning


Watch for upcoming dates and/or email to express interest. If you have a group of interested friends or co-workers, we will happily create a course for you.

Letting Go into a Course in Miracles- Moving through Blame, Judgment and Guilt

The Course tells us that forgiveness is the key to freedom. The ego likes to blame and judge and use guilt to manipulate. We will study lessons from the Course and use Sedona Method Releasing* to learn how to move through the tendencies of the ego into love. If you’ve studied ACIM and have had difficulty living the principles, you will be (as I was) excited to learn these easy techniques that create a beautiful bridge from where you are now to where you’d like to be. Topics covered will include:

· The cost of blame

· Judgment and Love cannot co-exist

. Forgiveness of Self and Others

· How guilt is used to manipulate and control


Watch for upcoming dates and/or email to express interest. If you have a group of interested friends or co-workers, we will happily create a course for you.

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